GRW Information

GRW’s primary focus

What is GRW? GRW is a bridge program that connects GA supervisors searching for new GAs that fit with their units and aspiring SAHE students seeking to acquire more in-depth administrative experiences that will help them obtain a full-time position in Student Affairs following degree attainment. GA supervisors are looking for students with demonstrated administrative experience that will allow them to serve as junior partners who partner with middle-level and senior staff to perform their units’ essential functions immediately. Aspiring SAHE students’ undergraduate resumes frequently show they were campus leaders as captured in their resumes that describe the prospective students’ background serving as an officer in a student organization, working part-time in an institutional office like Housing/Residence Life, Student Financial Aid, Admission, International Student Services, Orientation, and Academic Advising. MSU’s SAHE program, like other peer SAHE programs at other American Universities, believes potential students from this varied background bring many of the predispositions and proficiencies necessary to build on as likely GA in a Student Affairs Office on campus. Thus, SAHE graduates with robust resumes have had the relevant practices that helped them secure good jobs at either American or International colleges and universities.

Since 2007, the SAHE Program has required our full-time students to have a GA position in Student Affairs. The SAHE program only extends a GRW invitation to GA-eligible prospective students following the Program Director’s initial review of your application credentials. After this, SAHE staff will send an email with the GRW registration link to eligible prospective students.