District Continuous Improvement

District Continuous Improvement (DCI) is the framework for the implementation of highly effective teaching and learning practices at a district-wide level.

The DCI framework includes an emphasis on Collaborative teams, Data Based Decision Making, Common Formative Assessments, Developing Assessment Capable Learners with effective feedback, Metacognition, School Based Implementation Coaching, Collective Teacher Efficacy, and Leadership.

This work began several years ago as Collaborative Work, and became the focus for the Missouri Model District pilot (MMD). During this time, a wide variety of resources, tools, surveys, and training materials have been created to guide this work.

MoEdu-SAIL continues to be the online source of professional development materials and resources for Missouri school districts and the statewide system of support.

Contact Information:

Person item component: shannahight@missouristate.edu
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Person item component: AnnLong@MissouriState.edu
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Person item component: amymoore
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Person item component: kricker@missouristate.edu
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