Missouri English Language Learners (MELL)


The main purpose of the MELL program is to regularly provide guidance based on up-to-date research and emerging best practices in order to assist districts in meeting the needs of their English Learner and migrant students.

The MELL Instructional Specialist offers relevant, high-quality professional learning to build the capacity and cultural competence of district staff committed to the success of culturally and linguistically diverse students and their families

MELL Newsletter

View the current MELL newsletter HERE


English Language Development - DESE

Information for school districts to help them comply with federal and state guidelines for EL and migrant education.

Identifying and Reclassifying English Learners

Information and assistance with EL/migrant identification, recruitment and enrollment.

Workshops and Training

Professional development opportunities and strategies to build capacity in educational programs

  • Frontline/My Learning Plan - All workshops
    My Learning Plan
  • Mell workshops                                                                                                                                                 My Learning Plan
  • On-site and customized training
    Email for information


Contact Information:

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