Special Education

Special Education Improvement Consultant

Our goal is to provide training to district staff and assist districts in the implementation of effective research-based activities in order to improve the academic performance and postsecondary outcomes to ensure all students but especially students with disabilities graduate college and career ready.

Special Education Compliance Consultant

Our job is to ensure that all assigned responsible public agencies understand and can effectively implement state and federal regulations implementing Part B of IDEA and that any identified non-compliance is corrected within twelve months of identification. To ensure that all responsible public agencies are meeting and/or making progress toward meeting the Compliance indicators in the State Performance Plan (SPP).  

Technical Assistance and Support to Your District 

The Special Education Consultants can assist districts in addressing the needs of students with disabilities in any of the following ways: 

  • Regional Trainings through the ATLL
  • District, Building or Department level staff development and training
  • Analysis of Special Education Performance Profile and MAP scores specific to participation of students with disabilities
  • Planning for and addressing the improvement of MAP scores for students with disabilities
  • Classroom Support and Assistance for implementation of instructional strategies
  • Follow-up and technical assistance for implementation after training
  • Compliance Self-Assessments and Corrective Action Planning
  • Other requests as made by districts, ATLL or DESE
  • New Director Support
  • New Teacher Support
  • Literacy Support
  • Monthly Collaboration Zoom Sessions with DESE

Upcoming Workshops:

Please click HERE for upcoming SPED Compliance workshops.

Please click HERE for upcoming SPED Improvement workshops.

Contact Information:

Person item component: amyphipps
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Person item component: MelyndaVanNote@MissouriState.edu
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