Specialist in Education, Special Education and Assessment

A school faculty member has a discussion with a student.

Be a gateway to special ed resources

Increase your expertise and get the credentials to become a psychological examiner in schools.

Develop your leadership skills and learn in a flexible program.

Why pursue the Special Education and Assessment degree at Missouri State?

The specialist in education, special education and assessment program is one of the region’s only degree programs that meet the school psychological examiner certification requirements, which are high in demand.

The EdS degree can be a critical step up in career advancement. Missouri State’s program is tailored to working teachers and school counselors who are interested in developing as a school psychological examiner. Courses are offered through alternative delivery options, including seated, online and Zoom classes.

As a post-graduate student, you will:

  • Refine your communication and analytical skills so that you can lead an educational team in identifying students who may need special education services
  • Benefit from a team of faculty members dedicated to special education, counseling, psychology and life-long education