Business Education Option

A professor distributes worksheets to students in a cooperative engineering class.

Shape minds for business

Lead the way for future entrepreneurs and business professionals.

Explore principles to help you teach business and technical skills in high schools (grades 9-12).

Want to take the business education option? Review the program requirements for the exact courses you need to take.

Use a four-year plan as the guide for your overall schedule.

Why take the business education option?

  • Jump into the classroom - Plan and lead business classes as a student teacher. Get practical experience to build your understanding of a teacher's responsibilities.
  • Be a jack of all trades, especially business - Prioritize your professional growth. Become well-rounded in a wide variety of vocational skills and business concepts.
  • Prepare for diverse career pathways - Your degree will open doors to professional opportunties in secondary education, industry training, entrepreneurial leadership and more.
  • Choose a rewarding profession - Impact the next generation of innovators. Learn teaching strategies to bolster your students' passion for business.
MSU student Kendell Loyd points at a problem on a student's worksheet.
Careers and Outcomes
Inspire and mentor students who share your passion for business and technical/vocational studies.

Want to focus solely on teaching business?

Consider pursuing a business education major.

Train exclusively in teaching specialized business principles.

This major has a 100% job placement rate for graduates who are entering the classroom.