Undergraduate Secondary Education at Missouri State
- The curriculum for secondary teaching leads to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Education (BSEd) or Bachelor of Music Education (BME) or Bachelor of Science Modern Languages-Teacher Certification (BSML-TC) and carries with it an initial professional certificate (IPC) to teach in the state of Missouri. The program is approved by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
- Students participate in intensive studies, activities and clinical experiences which provide them with a broad general education, extensive professional preparation and practical familiarity with schools and secondary students.
- Most graduates of the program become teachers and the great majority of those who seek a teaching position are placed. There are also many other opportunities in areas including government, private agencies and business fields such as human resources, consulting, publishing, technical writing, sales and customer services.
- BSEd, BME, and BSML-TC degrees are offered through the college of the discipline being studied. Students are advised through the home department and are supported by the director of secondary education and the College of Education.
High need area grants
Math, science and the additional certification TESOL are all high need areas. Specific grants, such as the Federal TEACH grant, are available to students who pursue certification in a high need area.
Financial Aid Office
Call: 417-836-5262
Visit: Office of Student Financial Aid
Available majors
The College of Education collaborates with departments across campus in offering the following majors.
- Agriculture Education
- Art and Design Education
- Business Education
- English Education
- Family and Consumer Sciences Education
- History Education
- Mathematics Education
- Modern Language with an option in Teacher Certification
- Music-Instrumental Education
- Music-Vocal/Choral Education
- Physical Education
- Speech/Theatre Education (Communication, Media, Journalism and Film department)
- Speech/Theatre Education (Theatre and Dance department)
Additional areas of state teacher certification:
- English Language Learners
- Health