Dr. Chloe Bolyard

School-Teaching Learn and Develop Sci
Postal mail
- PhD, Educational Leadership: Leadership, Culture, and Curriculum, 2016, Miami University
- MEd, Educational Leadership, 2012, Evangel University
- BA, Elementary Education, 2008, Evangel University
- ELE 410 Teaching and Learning in the Elementary Classroom
- ELE 510 The Reflective Practitioner
- ELE 710 Elementary School Curriculum
- ELE 711 Contemporary Issues in Elementary Curriculum
- ELE 720 Advanced Theory and Practice in Student Assessment and Evaluation
- ELE 722 Differentiated Instruction for Early Childhood, Elementary and Middle School Classrooms
Professional experience
Selected Publications
- Howard, A., Bolyard, C., & Finley, S. L. (2024). Deficit to asset thinking: An exploration of incorporating community cultural wealth on preservice teachers’ mindsets. Journal of Teaching and Learning, 18(2). https://jtl.uwindsor.ca/index.php/jtl/article/view/8806
- Bolyard, C., Howard, A., & Finley, S. L. (2024). Applying relational pedagogy in teacher education: Using the case method to analyze controversial issues. Journal of Educational Controversy, 16(1). https://cedar.wwu.edu/jec/vol16/iss1/6
- Bolyard, C., Baker, A. M., & Rudnick, D. L. (2022). Dilemmas in asynchronous multicultural teacher education from a relational pedagogy perspective. In Huffman, S., Cunningham, D., Shavers, M., & Adamson, R. (Eds.), Opening pathways for marginalized individuals in higher education (pp. 123-146). IGI Global.
- Bolyard, C., & Baker, A. M. (2021). “Diversity placements”: Supporting the development of socially just teachers or reinforcing negative stereotypes? Critical Questions in Education, 12(3), 189-216.
- Livers, S., Zhang, S., Davis, T., Bolyard, C., Daley, S., & Sydnor, J. (2021). Examining teacher preparation programs’ influence on elementary teacher candidates’ sense of preparedness. Teacher Education Quarterly, 48(3), 29-52.
Graduate Program Director
Research and professional interests
- Curriculum studies
- Teacher education
- Multicultural education
- Relational pedagogy
- Ungrading
Awards and honors
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Award (Nominee), Missouri Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (MACTE), 2024
- Outstanding Graduate Mentor (Nominee), The Graduate College, Missouri State University, 2024
- Teaching Excellence Award, Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning, Missouri State University, 2024
- Faculty Mentor, Maroon & White Honors Banquet for Student-Athletes, Missouri State University, 2022
- Faculty Mentor, Maroon & White Honors Banquet for Student-Athletes, Missouri State University, 2019
- Master Online Course Recognition Award (MOCRA): Best in Interaction, Missouri State University, 2019
- Master Online Course Recognition Award (MOCRA): Best in Assessment and Feedback, Missouri State University, 2019
- Outstanding Graduate Mentor (nomination), Missouri State University, 2019
- Diversity Scholar, Missouri State University, 2018
- Certified Distance Educator, Missouri State University, 2017
- Outstanding Dissertation (nomination), American Education Research Association (AERA) Division B (Curriculum), 2017
- Dissertation Scholar, Miami University, 2015-2016
- Outstanding Student Paper Award, Ohio Valley Philosophy of Education Conference, 2014
Additional resources
Media appearances
Missouri State University professor introduces new student grading system
Ozarks First
KTRS Radio St. Louis
On-air, 17-minute interview
MSU instructors introduce Ungrading to alleviate student stress
Missouri State University - The Standard
Forsaking the grade: MSU professor’s experience with ‘ungrading’ gets high marks. Springfield Daily
Springfield Daily Citizen
Stepping away from traditional grading: Dr. Chloe Bolyard provides insight after two and a half year
MSU University Communications
Grow your own program works to add teachers to SPS classrooms
KSMU Radio
Ungrading: Shifting The Classroom Focus Back to Learning
MSU University Communications
Dr. Chloe Bolyard shares about her experience using ungrading in her classroom.
Letting Students Grade Themselves, MSU Professor Looks to Humanize Learning
KSMU Radio
Dr. Chloe Bolyard is trying to humanize education with a new technique she says is helping students learn better.
Missouri State Professor Focuses on Feedback Instead of Grades
Ozarks First
Elementary Education Continues to Evolve
KSMU Radio