Advisors guide your academic success and help you stay on track to graduate.
How do you get an advisor?
Undergraduate: Declare your major at the Academic Advising and Transfer Center. Then, the Education Advisement Center assigns you an advisor based on your major.
Until you have completed 75 hours, you must meet with your advisor each semester to receive release for class registration.
Graduate: The coordinator of your graduate program or a faculty member from that area serves as your advisor.
Graduate program advisors
Child Life Studies
Person item component: lindseymurphy
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Early Childhood and Family Development
Person item component: eking
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Early Childhood Special Education
Person item component: denisecunningham
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Elementary Education
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Family and Consumer Science
Person item component: debraprice
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Education of Gifted and Talented Students Certificate
Person item component:
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Elementary Curriculum and Instruction Certificate
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Elementary Mathematics Specialist Certificate
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Environmental STEM for Teachers Certificate
Person item component: ginawood
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Literacy Certificate
Person item component:
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Forgot your assigned advisor?
Access your advisor's information through the Student tab on My Missouri State. You
should meet with your advisor at least once a semester until you graduate.