Student Council for Exceptional Children
The Student Council for Exceptional Children is an international organization designed to improve education and set the standards for educating individuals with exceptionalities, including those who are gifted and students with various disabilities. Missouri State University has a campus chapter with both student and faculty members. Throughout the academic year, we participate in many campus activities, as well as state and national SCEC events. We are committed to the development of leaders within the field of special education, as evidenced by regularly sending student members to the state and national conventions and our success in having student members elected to state office.
Member benefits
- Subscription to two special education journals, Teaching Exceptional Children and Exceptional Children;
- Reduced rates on educator's liability insurance;
- Opportunity to participate at state and national conferences (fundraising with SCEC required!);
- Opportunity to apply for campus, state, and national scholarships specifically for SCEC members;
- Opportunity to participate in disability awareness activities; and
- Opportunity to meet with professional educators in the field of special education.
Persons interested in joining SCEC's efforts to promote quality education for persons with exceptionalities may contact the faculty advisor, Dr. Reesha Adamson.
Missouri State University Special Education majors who are executive board members of the MSU Student Council for Exceptional Children attended the International Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention in Philadelphia, PA with Dr. Reesha Adamson