Student Organizations

Student organizations in the College of Education

Bear PawBear Power Ambassadors
Volunteer peer mentors who provide individualized support for Bear POWER (Promoting Opportunities for Work, Education and Resilience) students. Students establish one-on-one relationships with Bear POWER students and engage with them both academically and socially.

Kim Roam (

Bears Teach E;ementaryBears Teach Elementary

Bears Teach Elementary is a student organization for elementary education majors that aims to:

  • Connect elementary education majors to resources to promote their own growth and development.
  • Provide members with opportunities to connect and network with other elementary education majors.
  • Provide students with opportunities to participate in community involvement and professional learning beyond the classroom.

Dr. Amber Howard (

handprintsChild Life Student Association
Members of the Child Life Student Association are interested in learning, volunteering and networking within the field of Child Life.

Melissa Schotthofer (

Early Childhood Education Bears (ECE Bears)
A student organization which engages in service learning and community outreach; forms supportive relationships within the field of early childhood education to increase networking opportunities; and fosters leadership among members through networking, training, and learning opportunities in the early childhood community.

Dr. Sarah Jean Baker (

EthosEducator's Honors Society (ETHOS)
This is an educational honors society for education majors of any level who are also members of the Honor's College. Ethos works with the Honors College to adapt requirements to be more easily achieved by COE Students.

Dr. Mandy Benedict-Chambers (

Inernation Reading AssociationInternational Reading Association
Members promote high levels of literacy for all by improving the quality of reading instruction, disseminating research and information about reading, and encouraging lifelong reading.

Dr. Sarah Nixon (

KDPKappa Delta Pi (KDP)
Kappa Delta Pi is an International Honor Society in Education. Kappa Delta Pi elects members who exhibit the ideals of scholarship, high personal standards and promise in teaching and allied professions.

Dr. Stacie Finley (

MOSABAMissouri State Student Organization of Applied Behavior Analysis and Autism
MOSABA is a forum to discuss research and policy in the area of Autism and Applied Behavior Analysis. MOSABA members will be provided opportunities to engage in faculty/student discussions, research conferences, and clinical experiences.

Dr. Linda Garrison-Kane (

Student Council for expetional ChildrenStudent Council for Exceptional Children
This international organization is designed to improve education and set standards for educating individuals with exceptionalities, including gifted students and students with various disabilities.

Kaleigh Pickett (

SMSTAStudent Missouri State Teachers Association (SMSTA)
Members have opportunities to engage in personal and professional growth, leadership skill development, and participation in professional development at local and state levels.

Dr. Stacie Finley (

NEAStudent National Education Association (SNEA)
Members preparing for careers in education have opportunities with personal and professional development trough membership in a local, state, and national professional organization.

Dr. Sarah Jean Baker (

Learn about other Student Engagement opportunities.


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