Missouri State University Cooperating Teachers
The Missouri State University College of Education would like to welcome you to our Cooperating Teacher online orientation.
Student teaching is considered to be the culminating experience in a teacher education program. It provides teacher candidates an opportunity to implement what they have learned in their coursework leading up to the student teaching semester. The student teaching semester is a critical component of our teacher candidates’ preparation, and the Cooperating Teachers in the participating school districts play a significant role in the development of the best possible learning experiences for Missouri State University teacher candidates.
Please take approximately thirty minutes to view the DESE MEES (Missouri Educator Evaluation System) training video. This information will provide valuable content for ensuring a successful experience with your teacher candidate and will assist in the understanding of the DESE MEES evaluation, which is the required state performance assessment.
In order to begin the orientation, please provide the information requested below and click the Submit button.