Professional Travel Policy (Request For Dean’s Travel Funds)

All travel for faculty and staff in the College of Education (COE) for which reimbursement is requested must be approved by the employee's immediate supervisor at least two weeks in advance. Approved travel reimbursement shall not exceed the lowest cost among airfare, Enterprise rental vehicle, or personal vehicle. Employees and their supervisors will use Missouri's Trip Optimizer to determine the least expensive mode of travel to request reimbursement and to approve same. This site includes an estimate for the additional cost of gasoline. In cases where extreme inconvenience and/or personal loss may be incurred, the Dean, COE, may grant an exception to the use of a rental car. All other exceptions to this policy must be approved in writing from the MSU Office of Procurement.

Missouri State University Travel Regulations – Expense Allowances regulations and guidelines will be followed.

10/26/2017 Approved by Faculty Advisory Council

09/05/2018 Revised/Approved by Faculty Advisory Council

Missouri State Faculty Handbook 7.6.4 states, “The university recognizes the importance of original scholarship, research, and creative activity being conducted by faculty members and the participation of faculty members in learned and professional society activities. To the extent that funds are available, travel funds will be provided to support the participation of each full-time faculty member in order to attend professional conferences and to present papers. The faculty member will be reimbursed for the most reasonable and economical transportation costs available as well as reasonable lodging, food costs, and registration fees. The number of days for which food and lodging (per diem costs) will be allowed may be limited to less than the full period of the conference.”

The Dean of the College of Education will allocate a percentage of the university travel money at the beginning of each fiscal year to each department in the College of Education based upon the number of full-time faculty members in each department. The director/department head from each academic support unit will budget the travel money according to the procedures listed below. The final decision will be at the discretion of the director/department head.

Normally, allowable travel expenses (transportation, lodging, meals, registration) are paid initially by the faculty member, and then reimbursed by the university, using a Travel Expense Form. Faculty should verify with the director/ department head that there are funds available in the department travel budget for their use prior to confirming travel plans. Review the Missouri State travel regulations. If necessary, faculty members may file an “Out of State Travel Authorization/Cash Advance Form” to receive funds in advance, though this is discouraged. This form should be accompanied by appropriate documentation, which includes the letter of acceptance for participation in the meeting.

Planning and Budgeting

Travel funds will normally be allocated according to the following priorities:

  1. Scholarship/Research Activity
  2. Professional Service (i.e., officer, chair, panelist, etc.)
  3. Professional Development

Attendance at State, Regional and National Meetings

Each full-time faculty member may receive funds to support travel to state, regional or National meetings. Support for travel is contingent upon expected benefits and costs, and the department budget. Additional travel will be considered on a case-by-case basis and will consider factors such as scholarship/research activity, expected benefits and costs, and the available departmental travel budget.

State Professional Meetings

Faculty may be reimbursed for state meetings providing travel funds have been encumbered for that purpose by the department head and planning committee.


Travel funds may not be used to reimburse faculty for association membership fees. Travel related to curricular activities (supervising student teachers, interns, field experiences, etc.) will be supported by other designated travel funds within the departments/units.

Other Sources for Funds

Department operating budgets may be made available for travel. Money is available to support international trips through the University. Summer research grants may include requests for travel support. General grant applications should include travel budgets if travel is related to the grant. Extended Campus and International Programs may provide travel support for teaching or other curricular activities at remote sites. Faculty and staff who teach IDS 110 may have the money they earn for teaching the course placed in a personal account in their department for travel use or supplies. College and department foundation funds may be made available for travel.

Application For Dean's Travel Fund