Program Support Request
Program Development, Start-up, Redesign, Recruitment & Retention Support
Last revised 2/12/2016
The COE Dean’s Office with approval by the Budget Committee may set aside funds to provide development, start-up, redesign, recruitment and retention funds in support of academic programs. Program Coordinators must submit written requests for funding between August 15th and November 1st of each academic year. Requests must include an itemized list of each activity, rationale, expected outcomes, prior years’ levels of support, and cost associated with each. The total may not exceed $5,000 for any academic year. Requests for funding may be made in succeeding academic years. The department head overseeing the program must approve the submission prior to being forwarded to the Dean’s Office for consideration.
If the request is for the development of a new program and because it is sometimes difficult to define a “new program” in general terms by the number of years it has been operational, the COE Faculty Advisory Council will make determination as to what is considered a “new program,” based on information provided by the applicant.
The FAC and Budget Committee will review all requests for program funding. The funding source will be the COE Program Support fund as determined by the Budget Committee and based on available funds during each fiscal year.